01 November 2008

I'm Home!!!

After getting up at 3:30 my time this morning to make a morning flight, I am finally home.  I don't remember much of the drive home from the airport.  I just know it was 1 1/2 hours to get here.  

I came home to a lovely surprise.  It seems the lovely hubs had no
t closed the door to the fridge all the way.  Everything in there is as warm as the the Florida sand and appears to have burnt out something or another.  I'm not fucking touching it until tomorrow.  Sleep takes a little more precedence.  

I have named my new little computer.  Her name is Mary Anne.  Her and I will get lost on 3 hour tours :)

It was a little sad coming home. It was so nice getting away and I still had a lot of relaxing I could do.  I'm now a Waffle House junkie.  I've got a craving for grits right now.  That will haunt me until my next trip down there.  

I decided to ditch everyone yesterday and I headed to the beach.  I wish I had another day there.  Nothing is more soul cleansing than the salty ocean water and warm wet breezes.  It felt great to just lay there and get a nice dose of vitamin D.  I stopped at the local cheapo shop and got me a towel and I was all set. 

Now y'all play nice!  I'm in need of a beer and a nap still...and a working fridge...


Jennybean said...


Anonymous said...

Eh it was probably time to clean out the fridge anyway.
Welcome Home!

Chuck said...

Damn, sorry about the fridge. That definitely sucks. Glad you had a nice mini vacay! Gotta love grits!

pure evyl said...

The Waffle House is damned addictive. Now I need some Hash Browns scattered and covered.