06 September 2008

Crapper Mail

I am a self proclaimed Crackberry addict. I've gotten to stay in touch with some wonderful friends through this thing closer than I do my own husband. I love that thing.

It is always a joke about crapper mail. Sometimes the only peaceful time a person gets is in the bathroom to tap out thoughtful emails. I've done some of my best work on the crapper.

So I get the most amusing email tonight from a friend. It seems his Blackberry went for a swim. I'm going to have to get the rest of the story but it took a nose dive. Luckily after flushing but it still is a tragedy and a pretty hilarious story. Crapper mail backfired.

So if someone has an old Blackberry that they are willing to donate...I know of a good home....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would send him mine but it met the same fate a couple of years ago.......